Boaz Gilboa hasn’t always been an osteopath. In fact he was working as an environmental scientist when he was literally hit by a 40 tonne truck – causing him serious injuries.
These injuries were only resolved after Boaz sought out osteo treatments – and he instantly became a huge fan of osteopathy, causing him to change career paths and throw himself into studying osteopathy.
Initially, Boaz worked in another practice and enjoyed the work, but wasn’t earning enough to support his family. He branched out on his own but says;
“The first three years were very tough. I knew plenty about osteopathy but nothing about growing a business. I was basically running a one-man show – I’d hire practitioners, but they’d leave as there wasn’t enough work to keep them occupied. I was earning about the same as when I was working for someone else but I was working 3 times as hard trying to build relationships, fill the gaps, do all the administration, and keep all the balls in the air.”
“Then, just when I was about to throw it in, everything snapped into place. We got the right team in place, and the right marketing to support them, and those two things made the world of difference.”
Boaz found the right people to join his team, and began promoting the business initially with Google Adwords, and later with WOMO reviews. ReachHealth (formerly Back on Track Osteo & Clinic) has now been on WOMO’s Happy Customers Program for about a year.
“Pretty quickly after joining we went from getting 3 new clients a month, to 3 new clients a week – a four-fold increase!”
Initially, it was unclear where the increase was coming from and there was a time when Boaz questioned the value of the program. But when he changed his New Client form to properly track how clients came to find the clinic, he soon discovered that a large portion came directly from WOMO. Having the live reviews widget on their website has also increase the conversions – helping turn more browsers into customers and bringing more value from the Google Adwords.
“We were getting traffic to our website from Adwords, but now we’re turning a lot more of that into real customers.”
“The Review-Us leaflets are fantastic – it’s far more effective to give someone something tangible to take home rather than just asking someone to do a review. We’ve been able to attract a lot more reviews since being part of the program and the more reviews we get, the more customers come to us.”
Building an online reputation has had an enormous impact on the business.
“For the clinic, we’ve gone from being 40% booked to 60% booked. Personally, I’ve gone from being about 50% booked to 90%. That’s because a lot of the reviews mention me by name. I’m now working with the team to encourage their customers to mention them in the reviews.”
“I also make sure we reply to the reviews. It shows our appreciation to the reviewer, but also allows us to add in some extra commentary. For example, a review might say ‘Great service. You resolved my knee problem that had been an issue for 3 years.’ And we’ll add a comment that says; ‘Thanks very much for your feedback. It’s very common for knee problems to be mis-diagnosed when it’s actually a calf issue.’ That way we add more depth to their comments – as well as more key words that help us come up in Google searches.”
Boaz says he still loves helping clients – especially those that come with the expectation of having to have extensive, ongoing treatments when he can resolve their issue in just a few sessions. He also loves building relationships with doctors and other key referrers.
When asked his secret for keeping customers happy, Boaz says;
“Be interested in people, and provide good results – it really is that simple.”
His advice for other businesses is to;
“Focus on the team, build real client relationships, and build a referrer network – of which WOMO is an important part.”
In 5 years Boaz is aiming to have a network of clinics – all built on the back of a strong reputation.
>> See the WOMO Listing for ReachHealth here <<
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